Dry & Flaky Skin! What should i do?
Dry, flaky skin is a common condition that can be frustrating and embarrassing. It's also one that's easily treatable with the right products and tips. We've compiled everything you need to know about dry skin into one easy-to-read article so you can start enjoying smooth, healthy skin again in no time!
What is dry & flaky skin?
Dry skin is a common condition that affects many people. The main signs of dry skin are flaking, redness, itching and tightness.
The most common causes of dry skin include genetics (heredity), age and climate. Dry skin can also be caused by lifestyle factors such as stress or dieting.
Causes of dry and flaky skin
Dry and flaky skin can be caused by a number of factors. Dry skin can be due to the lack of water or moisture in your body, which is why it's important to drink plenty of water daily. It could also be caused by a deficiency in essential fatty acids from food sources like fish oil, nuts and seeds (e.g., walnuts).
Remedies for dry skin
Use a body exfoliator.
Get a good moisturizer.
Original Exfoliating Glove
Exfoliating once a week is the bare minimum that you should be doing. It helps remove dead skin cells, which can clog your pores and cause acne. While you might think exfoliation sounds like something only models or people with zero skin problems would do, it’s actually good for everyone—even if you have sensitive skin (the only tip is NEVER OVER EXFOLIATE)! One of our fave products is the Original Exfoliating Glove. Just rub it on your skin after 5 mins into the shower with no soap and watch as your skin gets brighter and smoother by the minute.
It is important to keep your skin moisturized and exfoliated. This will help prevent dry, flaky skin from forming on your body. There are a variety of products available at drugstores that can help with this problem, but if you want something more natural then try using jojoba oil or coconut oil!